What is CLASSICAL Homeopathy?

“Homeopathy is the best system of medicine in the universe, but our planet isn’t ready for it yet"

- Jeremy Sherr


where did homeopathy get its start

Homeopathy is centuries old—A scientifically based practice, using natural remedies, and whole body healing approach focusing on how the systems of the body work together, and treating each person as a unique, whole being. This practice has its roots in England, yet has strong parallels and connections with Eastern healing modalities as well.

HOw does homeopathy work

Rather than focus on trying to treat or suppress symptoms, Homeopathy takes a different approach using those symptoms as a guide, a sort of map to get to the cause and find out what is really causing the symptoms. This practice then uses that information to focus on treating the cause and healing of the root issue. When the issue is healed, the symptoms no longer present themselves, and our bodies are back to feeling happy and well and full of life.


who is homeopathy for

Everyone really!! Because of its gentle and natural approach, anyone can heal with homeopathy.  Some common ailments that Tonya can help you with include: earache, common cold, influenza, cough, stomach flu, food poisoning, pain management and healing from surgeries, dental work and injuries. That being said, symptoms are your body’s warning signs, so if you are having symptoms of any sort, homeopathy can’t hurt to help you dig in and find out what’s happening at a deeper level, learn more about how things connect and work together within your body, and start to take gentle steps to heal the underlying issues that are causing those symptoms.




  • Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine by Timothy Dooley (Free Online Book): http://www.drdooley.net/Book.pdf

  • Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Stephen Cummins, M.D., and Dana Ullman, MPH

  • The Science of Homeopathy by George Vithoulkas
